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Are you interested in joining the PVMA Executive Board? Elections take place during the spring semester. The requirements to apply are:

  1. Active Member status for the semester prior to elections and the semester elections take place​​

  2. Attend two executive board meetings throughout the academic year (IMPORTANT: these two executive board meetings do not count for additional points. Only executive board meetings attended after the required two for elections will count for additional points.)

  3. Nominees for President, Vice President, and Program Coordinator must have held an Executive Board position for at least one year prior to elections. Nominees for Treasurer must have been an active member for at least 3 semesters prior to the semester of elections. 

*Exceptions may be made by petitioning the Executive Board (more information below)


An Active member for one semester must:

  1. Attend a combination of four general body 

  2. Pay dues in full for that semester

  3. Earn three additional points, all of which must be earned from an activity other than attending a general body meeting.


Each meeting attended is worth one point. Additional points are obtained by participating in other organized events through the club. Such events include: socials, fundraisers, Diversity and Inclusion meetings, hands-on meetings, and volunteering. Attending any of these is worth one point. Most volunteering is worth one point per shift. Any general body meetings do not count for additional points. Go to the Points page to see your current point status.


*If you do not meet the requirements, you can petition to the executive board. Please email the president Adrianna Fay ( a short description (250 words or less) as to why you could not meet the requirements. If you do not meet requirements, petitions are very welcome! 


Click the link below to view the election procedures, position requirements, current position holders, and to fill out an application.

Election Procedures

Position Requirements

Eboard Application

Current Position Holders

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