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As you may know, being a Pre-Veterinary student, Veterinary student, or Veterinarian can take a heavy toll on one’s mental health. Mental health is very important to PVMA, and in an effort to better the mental health of Pre-Veterinary students we will be instituting a mental health community called SHIFT. A PVMA group that comes together to talk about any issues they may be facing such as stress, anxiety, depression etc. As well as educate and break the stigma about mental health. This is done in an effort to SHIFT the mental health of Pre-Veterinary students in the right direction. The goal of the SHIFT team is to build a warm and welcoming community amongst the students of PVMA. How, you ask? Socials, physical challenges, group workouts, coffee chats, study groups, game nights, and more!


Email Adrianna with any questions


SHIFT’s mission statement is as follows:
“Our mission is to actively and passionately promote mental health, as well as, the feeling of a community who supports this. We do this so that all those who are enduring a harsh season of life, feel as though they have the strength to overcome.”


We are holding monthly wellness themed events with the hopes of helping members make more friends, relax, and have fun!

Feel free to attend any of the meetings throughout the semester!

If you ever need to speak to someone about a challenge you’re having, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Adrianna so she can support you with some university resources!


Join our groupchat for PVMA mental health and wellness!


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